Thursday, May 17, 2012

she's more than the spot on her face

today we had another hemangioma appointment
and as excited as I was to post about her progress
 a part of me was very annoyed. 
 more than I would like to admit people ask about her spot
 how's it doing 
how big is it now 
and so on..... 
while I appreciate the concern
 a part of me wants to yell.... 
"there is more to her than the spot!!" 
we've had a rough week filled with appointments
 that have all turned out fine 
so a part of my reaction could be from high level of anxiety 
based around these appointments with many specialist
i said i was going to be honest
 and my honest reaction 
when i sat down and write this post 
 and sadness
 my daughter is more than the spot on her face 
she's starting to coo and laugh 
 she's fussy at night 
which as much as I hate these moments 
they are her 
and i love that
 she's getting into a routine
 which I am thankful for
 so today instead if posting specifics about her face
 because frankly i am tired talking about it
 i am simply going to post
 that we are so thankful for everyone's concern
 the hemangioma is still there,
 it's improving, 
and she is as wonderful as ever


  1. To be fair, you do have a blog dedicated to the spot on her face. People only ask, because they care. Glad to hear she is improving. Sorry you feel frustrated and annoyed.

  2. I understand that!! Cooing was one of my favorite things. Next being when they start the baby giggles. Make sure to pull out the camera and video camera often, those times go by so fast. Glad to hear you have had a good news week!!

  3. I can relate. My son has 'special needs' but he is more than his delay. So much more. It will get better.
