Tuesday, July 19, 2011


so i finally did it
a month and a half later
i uploaded my pictures from rome 
to my computer
if i only had time to edit all 700 plus photos
but alas 
i must work
so here are some of my favorite
actually a minimal amount of my favorites
due to the slooooow internet in my little italian village
if i haven't said it before
i will say it now
i love the colosseum 
it amazes me!
a candid moment of two of my favorite people
trevi fountain
another one of my favorite places in rome
a simple picture
yet it's one of my favorite

i am not a 'big-city' kind of gal
there is something about rome
that i love
despite it being a large city
i find myself 
dreaming about living in an apartment
looking over the trevi fountain
spending countless hours 
walking the streets
finding new wonders
eating a lot of gelato!

more rome pictures to come soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Is that a Colts hat? I am from Indiana, and look for those hats everywhere I go.
