Tuesday, March 1, 2011

my first day as a sub

i am not a teacher
i could hardly teach admiral to sit
i am a social worker
i have done group therapy
i have done individual therapy
i have not taught 
in a classroom setting
with that said
jobs are scarce at aviano
you take what you can get
i got substitute teacher

my first class
was a wonderful third grade class
my day started off 
somewhat normal
pledge of allegiance
students asking questions about me
where i was from, if i had kids, the usual stuff
lockdown drill
evacuation drill
talk about breaking me in!
there was only about an hour before lunch
after the drills
the students did great
then lunch/recess
oh boy....
my student breaks their arm
no joke.
so now 
i am the substitute 
that has a kid 
break their arm at recess

back to the classroom we go.
kids will be kids
one kid goes to nurse's office
they all want to go
one kid goes to the bathroom
they all want to go

i stood my ground
i put a trash can in the back of the room
told them to use it!
i am just kidding folks!
i used "class bathroom breaks" 
triaged each "medical emergency" appropriately

we wrote a paper 
on dogs
and i became a member 
of the elite
'doggie club'
it was for cool dog lovers only
not those cat people.

one student
who stole my heart, she was so mature
told me i was the nicest sub she's ever had
told me if i had kids 
they would be the coolest kids to play with
definitely a compliment in my book

by the end of the day
i had 20 breathing bodies
which is what we started with
i was still breathing
i had two pictures to add to my collection!
the third graders stole my heart
now lets hope the rest of the year goes as smooth


  1. Sounds like an awesome day in spite of the broken arm.

  2. Subbing is so awesome but they do steal your heart!! And my motto is if they all got home and you made it out the door with at least 1 compliment then you my friend did what you were supposed to do for the day :)

  3. Great job teach!!!! Please come back to the US and you can be my sub. You will need a big husband who looks like a bouncer and has a smile on his face. The smile will look good as he bounces the students down 2 flights of stairs!!! Boy do I love my job!!!!

    Love you!!! Happy Birthday! I am sending you a little something in the mail. Let me know when you get it. Momma
