Sunday, April 10, 2011

chickens, ducks, dresses... oh my!

it's been awhile since i've posted
and for that i do apologize
i was pretending to be a nurse
and take care of my husband
but have no fear he survived a minor surgery
despite my care giving skills
to celebrate his recovery
and survival
we decided to go to 
festival di primavera
spring festival
in sacile

isn't this town lovely?!
having no idea what to expect
we came with open minds 
and saw everything from 
to knives
to robot lawnmowers

yes friends this mower mows by itself!
then there were chickens

love love his feathers

well how do you do?
and ducks
adorable easter bunnies

a fat old italian man yelled at me for taking this picture
he was probably in the mafia hehe
a lot of balloons scattered the sky
and of course
i got gelato!!
the sun is shining in aviano 
and its a beautiful day
happy sunday ya'll
i'm going to go outside and soak up the sun