in honor of kenneth's birthday this weekend
i am dedicating this friday fun fact editon to him
because he is another year older
i felt it was only appropriate to reflect on some of the
items,people,etc on record
meet Ms Jeanne Clamet
she passed away 4 august 1997 at the ripe age of 122 years and 164 days old
this making her the oldest person ever to live
the oldest living tree is the Christmas tree found in Sweden.
it stands 13 feet tall
and has a root system that is 9550 years old!
{national geographic} has a wonderful piece on her
according to guinesss book of records
the oldest dog
was bluey
who hailed from Australia
he was a cattle dog and lived to be 29 years and 5 months.
he was put to sleep November 14, 1939
quick math: 29 years is 203 human years
and finally
the oldest male stripper
was Bernard Barker
he began stripping at the age of 60
dying at the age of 66 from cancer
see honey,
there is hope for you to have a second career after the military!
happy friday ya'll!
happy birthday weekend to my hubby
may i live one day less than you
so i never know a day without you!
thank you to {Guinness World Records}
for providing images and information
Thanks for join my blogfrog :-)
Glad I missed the world's oldest stripper. Not sure I was ready for that