kenneth turns 27
and i do not know how much more i can blog about how great he is
before people start puking
and stop reading my blog
we all know how great he is
trust me
he is one of the best you can find!
i will refrain
from bragging on him
as hard as it is.
i promise
i will do my best
to prevent you from
instead of bragging
i will share a story
kenneth loves
ice cream,
pretty much
anything sweet
he has since a very young age
kenneth at his first birthday
kenneth at an older age, enjoying a snicker's ice cream bar
that boy loves sweets.
i digress
back to the story
for his 25th birthday
i planned a surprise party
i organized friends and family
to meet at his favorite local restaurant
it was a busy time of year
i was in the midst of finals
it was the week before christmas
and we had a new puppy
admiral as puppy..trouble is written all over his face
the party was going great
food was good
gifts were excellent
then it was time for cake
where's the cake....
yes folks,
i forgot the cake.
and when you are married to a man that loves sweets
such as kenneth does
forgetting cake is a cardinal sin.
and he has yet to let me forget this birthday.
i might forget the gifts
i might forget the card
but i will never forget the cake.
in fact sometimes i bake a cake
just in case i forgot an important date
happy birthday kenneth!
please go enjoy your cake!